ALLAH in his infinite blessing and mercy gave muslims one month out of the twelve month in a year, in which they should devote to his worship by prayers, recitation of  Al-qur’anul karim, remembrance of ALLAH (Zikr), charity and also abstaining from committing big sins and other sins which can be seen as a small in the eyes of a sinner/society. ALLAH said: “The month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an has been sent down as guidance for mankind containing clear signs which lead (to the straight path) and depreciating (the truth from falsehood)..” Q2:185 by reflecting to the above mentioned verse, we would be able to understand that  Ramadan is the month that the Qur’an is being revealed to humankind as a guidance in which if they abide, it takes them to the paradise, because, Qur’an teaches Umma what is good and right, and tells them about the story of ancient ones whom have followed the right path and finished their lives successfully and also gives the story of those people whom have gone astray and ALLAH  made their end as bad as worse, so that we can take a lesson from them. However, is out of the fasting abstaining from wicked mind, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, envyness and grudges toward one another, rather make the forgiveness and well wishes your harbit in order to attained a better reward.

Henceforth, is in the first ten days of Ramadan Almighty ALLAH showers His mercy to muslim, and in the second ten days grants them his forgiveness and the last ten or nine days freed them from hellfire, in accordance to hadith of the prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Moreover, Ramadan teaches muslims ummah how to practice self discipline, self control from lust and desires, sacrifice for one another, empathy to less privilege ones. However, it’s narrated that prophet Muhammad PBUH said: “whoever does not leave evil words and deeds while fasting, ALLAH does not needs him to leave food and drink” we would understand that fasting is not only about leaving food, drink and intimacy between couple, is also about improving our behaviours and characters, therefore, extending a helping hands to the less fortunate ones in our societies.

Moreover, it’s in the blessed month almighty ALLAH have given the muslim ummah a night better than one thousand months (Laitatul-Qadr) i.e Night of Power in which the complete Holy Qur’an is sent down to sama’ud-duniya (lowest heaven) ALLAH said: “The night of power is better than a thousand months..” Q97:3 “whoever prays on the Night of Power out of faith and sincerity, shall have all their past sins forgiven” Al-hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. However, if a believer was lucky to met this particular night and woke up, prays or did some acts of ibada and ask ALLAH for his needs therefore, ALLAH will definitely, responded to his request.