Love that exempts no one loved from loving in return,
Forgive love forgiven love
Since he likes this person,

Because more than her tears shed,
Pour wants of her, which are others,
But the dissymmetry of doing so

He places in the chest of the man who is also himself,
And she knows every secret about him,
Even in the fearful darkest places,

While she harbors the figure of a veto of hers,
And in the silence she hides her voice,
That she too speaks so as to make a happy day,

And we can no longer tell which one is a cross
And what joy, then what the wait
It confuses the course of the river with the mouth

Disagreement and peace, yet conflict and surrender
They are equal when God comes
Who will erase each offense from us

And every evil, every deed
It will be taken away by a good lady
Whose purity pays the price for everyone

By giving us the Son who soon gives us
Love, as a gift, forgive even love
Love that exempts no one loved from loving in return