Thanks do we give to our leader Umar

The best of men after God’s Messenger

Who patrolled the streets of Madina

To protect its people and honour

Like the hungry children in the desert land

Awake in the cold night due to hunger pangs

With Aslam, your companion, you reached in hand

These children are starving, that I cannot stand

You rushed to a storehouse to gather some food

Returning at once with large bags to brew

You prepared some meals from wheat and butter

The children ate to the delight of their mother

From tears to laughter into a peaceful slumber

Thanks do we give to our leader Umar

The best of men after God’s Messenger

Who patrolled the streets of Madina

To protect its people and honour

أ للهم صل وسلم على محمد وعلى آله وصحبة إ جمعين