Intuitively, Cybil knew that the two horses looking into the distance were their children; they stood a little farther away and had begun to move. Meanwhile, she “saw” her husband in a different horse standing on the other side, a little separated; the man in person had intuitively added himself.

The coach asked her which horses she felt most attracted to and whether she could go there. She ran to the horses that represented her children. The moment she walked to them, the horses moved a little farther away, totally focused on other things. This happened again and again as Cybil began to move and attempted to seek contact with the horses.

“What do you feel because of that?” the coach asked.

Cybil became thoughtful and looked a bit perplexed. It felt like she was getting in the way of them or somehow as if she would hassle them. “I’m always a bit worried. In fact, my daughter often tells me to give her a little more room to do her things.”

“Oh!” Cybil said suddenly, “I think they are very happy, and without any worries, they are able to follow their life.”

“And what about your own life?” the coach asked.

She was very quiet and had to admit that, in fact, she did not have one. “I’m not sure where I belong anymore,” she said.

Cybil saw that the horse representing her husband was still standing motionless beside the stables.

“He’s also like that horse, totally absorbed in other things, just not the kids or me. I think he’s going to have a burnout, the way he lives,” she said, a bit bitterly.

The coach suggested that her own heart should be represented.

There were a few people who were invited as representatives, and she was allowed to choose one from them. Nature was quiet again, and the mare, which represented Cybil, suddenly moved to one of the women present and stopped there.

“That’s weird,” Cybil said. “I was just about to ask her.”

The woman, who now represented her heart, walked into the field and stopped far away from Cybil.

“Why do you want to stand here, heart of Cybil?” asked the coach.

“I cannot go on,” she said. “I have to keep my distance, away from her.”

“Does that tell you something?” the coach asked Cybil.

“Yes, I cannot get in touch with what I really, profoundly want. I’m alien to myself.” She cried and stood, a bit lost, in the middle.

“Could you walk to your heart and make a new contact with it?”

It was fascinating how much this representative could feel the energy and emotions of the heart, even if she did not know the person at all. This is the deep body-knowledge, the sensitivity to energy, the intuition that all of us carry within ourselves.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as Cybil looked into the eyes of her heart and they held hands. She had the feeling of finding herself again. The mare came and tenderly put her nose on both hands to seal that energy.

The right words are important and provide a whole new energy and dynamism that influence a person’s system and behavior: “I am your heart, and I only beat for you; never let go of me and listen to me.”

“You are my heart, and you are just beating for me; I will always carry you and be with you.”

By now, the mare was standing motionless by her and her “heart” and in between her and her husband. Then, the very moment she made contact with her heart, the other “children” horses came closer to her again, which she immediately noticed.

When she turned her attention from her heart to her husband, the mare moved to the side and opened the way to her husband. As they walked towards each other, the energy was very different. Since Cybil had taken the first step to owning her own power and potential, to her heart, and was able to let go—in this case, of her worries about her children—her husband could also feel freer to develop his authentic power and establish a new relationship.

As they faced each other, they both felt a new love that could evolve. It was not yet the end of this journey together to solve their common problems, but the first step, the first inner movement of feeling and more consciousness, had been made, at least. There was a new energy in the air!

(Previously publishing in the bestselling book: The Universal Language of Nature by Alexandra Sitch)