Fellowship & Fairydust

Inspiring Faith & Creativity and Exploring the Arts through a Spiritual Lens


Fellowship & Fairydust reserves the right to decide what material is appropriate for our magazine, as well as the right to make basic edits on accepted submissions.

Submissions sent to Fellowship & Fairydust Publications will be accepted with the understanding that they will not be removed from the archives, though the authors are free to publish them in other venues.

No one may reproduce or republish works featured on this site without obtaining prior permission from the original authors/creators and giving them proper credit.

Fellowship & Fairydust does not claim responsibility for the views expressed by its contributors in other venues, nor do individual views expressed by authors on this site necessarily reflect the editorial position.

Fellowship & Fairydust does not condone all words and actions of characters featured in either non-fiction biographies nor works of fiction on this site, including those behaviors which accord with historical/cultural norms.

Fellowship & Fairydust does not publish fan-fiction based on the works of those authors who have taken legal steps to prevent their works from being featured on fanfiction.net.

Images featured on our website and in our themed issues, unless otherwise noted, are used for illustrative purposes only and have been reproduced from other sources under the terms of Fair Use.

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