Fellowship & Fairydust

Inspiring Faith & Creativity and Exploring the Arts through a Spiritual Lens


Fellowship & Fairydust publishes submissions from authors of all faiths and none, providing their works are in keeping with the spirit of our mission statement. We seek to cover the broad range of spiritual and artistic experience, offering something of value for people of all beliefs and walks of life.

We accept:

  • Nonfiction
  • Original Fiction
  • Fanfiction
  • Poetry
  • Photography
  • Artwork (digital or hand-drawn)

Our frequent topics include:

  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Legend & Mythology
  • History & Biography
  • Music & Art
  • Books, Films, & Other Media

We do not accept:

  • Material that contains gratuitous descriptions of sexual behavior;
  • Material that promotes incestuous, paedophilic, BDSM, or abusive sexual behavior;
  • Material that contains gratuitous descriptions of violence/gore;
  • Material that contains intense or repetitious profanity/vulgarity;
  • Material inciting hatred towards groups or individuals based on race, religion, orientation, etc.;
  • Material of a generally unedifying or nihilistic tone or plot trajectory;
  • Material that endorses any contemporary political party/candidate, or is otherwise highly partisan;
  • Material that alters the sexual identities of literary/fandom characters from their canonical natures, due to potential conflict over the handling of beloved figures and storylines.

Submissions must be sent as an email attachment in MS Word, RTF, or Google Doc form, including the title, author name/alias, date of submission, word count, a summary sentence, and any warnings/notes. 

Single-part submissions should not exceed 8,000 words. If a longer submission is accepted, it will be broken into chapters. If the submission is intended for a seasonal issue, please name the issue on the document and keep submissions at between 3000-3500 words.

Please note that by sending us your submission, you are acknowledging your acceptance of our submission rules, and are granting Fellowship & Fairydust non-exclusive electronic rights to publish your work on our publication’s website/YouTube channel.

What are non-exclusive electronic rights?

Non- exclusive means that we are open to publishing work, which has been previously published elsewhere – we believe that a good story will never be lessened by how many times it has been told. It also means that you retain all copyright to your work and that you are free to publish it elsewhere as well if you choose to do so.

The word ‘electronic’ covers the form in which we will publish your work – either on our website/blog or YouTube channel. These rights only cover the Fellowship & Fairydust. We will not share or distribute your work to any third parties, and, as the author of the piece, you will be fully credited as the owner/creator of the work wherever it appears. What this also means is that, as the website and YouTube channel exist in perpetuity, a copy of your work will remain in our site/channel archive after publication.  

Please also note that all rights for this magazine and all of its relevant platforms of publication are held by Fellowship & Fairydust. Once published, no material submitted to Fellowship & Fairydust may be altered or removed unless an exception is made, which is completely at the discretion of the current acting Editor-in-Chief. In this regard, we are no different from any traditional print publication and the vast majority of online publications. All rights to the material, outside of the reach of this publication, remain firmly with the author (with regards to reprinting, etc.)

Comments, questions, pitches, and attached submissions may be sent to us at editor@fellowshipandfairydust.com.

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