Fellowship & Fairydust

Inspiring Faith & Creativity and Exploring the Arts through a Spiritual Lens


Adam Sargant, Yorkshire, EnglandUK: It is a joy to find in Fellowship & Fairydust both a magazine and a community of writers who, while predominantly Christian, are open and enquiring of other paradigms while being turned on to the importance of the creative imagination and its power to connect us to something greater than ourselves. 

Adeel Ahmed, Alberta, Canada: Fellowship & Fairydust has a focus on primarily a Christian point of view on literature, but will also explore other religions like Islam and Judaism. The criteria for submissions ensure writers can’t use gore or titillation to cover up bad character development or plot. The merit of one’s writings are laid bare in F&F.

Alexandra Jezierski, Ontario, Canada: I can’t even begin to say how much I love Fellowship & Fairydust! The themes, the pictures, the stories…the artistic loveliness of the issues both visually and imaginatively are inspiring. A perfect opportunity to indulge your creativity whether by reading, writing for F&F, or simply being reminded to imagine.

Alyssa Paige Saeidani, Texas, USA: I have enjoyed my time reading Fellowship & Fairydust because I feel like it transports you to a new perspective that maybe you didn’t have before. And I love the community as well because it feels like a safe haven, a refuge for people to speak about what sets their souls on fire. It’s a place to discuss theological views and mystical interpretations. It’s a home for those who wish to combine faith with things they are passionate about in literature. I am happy for all the marvelous friends I’ve met and how it has helped me see the connective thread in beliefs, imagination and hope. But the thing which I am most grateful for is how much all of these faiths and inspirations have helped me grow in my life and in my journey.

Amanda Pizzolatto, Colorado, USA: Being a part of Fellowship & Fairydust for me means getting to work with a wonderful group of people I’ve become great friends with and taking part in something that brings a little hope, joy, and light to the world through the stories we publish. Secular society tends to be increasingly anti-religious, putting Catholics and Christians in a negative light. It’s nice to get our voices out there, and say “Guess what? We can come up with just as epic and awesome stories as anyone. Tolkien and Lewis did it first, and they were Christian too.” We’re producing good, quality pieces to counteract all the trash and give everyone some good stuff to look forward to. I hope you enjoy your visit here as we take you from one realm to another! Get out there, revisit those old literary friends, and meet some new ones! And don’t forget to tell your other friends so they can visit as well! The more the merrier, as is always said.

Anna Elizabeth Law, Alberta, Canada: It’s so great there’s now a Christian fantasy/sci-fi magazine like this on the internet! Very professional-looking and informative, interesting articles. I think the editor, staff, and contributors are all doing such a great job on Fellowship & Fairydust.

Anne Marie Gazzolo, USA: I enjoy Fellowship & Fairydust because of its variety of viewpoints and subject matter. Being the Frodoholic that I am, it is nice to delve into work about him and Middle-earth. I also like the Celtic-themed and Eastern Catholic material. The Celtic essays may even help me with a future book of mine. Thanks for that and all else!

Beth Flynn, Italy: I have been a member of staff at Fellowship & Fairydust for a number of years now and in my time here I have seen it flourish and grow from an almost exclusively Christian publication to a beautiful interfaith community which welcomes people of all different spiritual backgrounds, as well as those walking a non-spiritual path. In this, F&F is very unique. As a Druid, I believe that keeping channels of communication and understanding open between people of different faiths and backgrounds is essential in reminding people that not only can divinity take many forms, but that goodness and truth exist in every single being and corner of this planet that we all share. Inclusivity, respect, and acceptance is the only way to truly love our fellow man at the end of the day, and from what I’ve seen this magazine and the Facebook group attached to it has that in spades. There is something in our archives to appeal to everyone and we are always welcoming new, unique, and exciting authors to our ranks. I would wholeheartedly recommend F&F to any reader/writer who is tired of the same old limited, elitist, and cliquey groups which sadly dominate so much of the spiritual writing market today. Whoever you are, pull up a chair by the fire, pick yourself a fantastic story to read, and put your feet up – you are welcome here!

Bethany Sheldahl, Kentucky, USA: My experience of life is that my faith in Christ and my love of fantasy literature are intertwined. I love Fellowship & Fairydust because the writing engages with my interests and favorite stories as well as my faith. The unique perspective is refreshing, as an Orthodox Christian myself, I share a lot of core values. I appreciate having the opportunity to read, for instance, Narnia fan-fiction that doesn’t leave out the Christian meaning.

Brandt Dotson, Arizona, USA: This is great community for people seeking all things fantasy and mythology. You’ll find interesting posts and friendly comments and engagements from members all over who are intelligent, kind, and share your passion for fantasy. When you’re tired of seeing negative things on your feed all day, spend a little time in Fellowship & Fairydust. You’ll be glad you did!

Caitey Gehan, Maryland, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a wonderful magazine to be a part of. People are able to write about what they are passionate about in a clean way. In a world where one is too afraid to read fan-fiction because of questionable themes, one can read in confidence when turning through the digital pages of F&F. Though originally a platform for Christian homeschoolers to share their work, the magazine has wonderfully increased to include people of many different backgrounds and religions. No matter what corner of the world exists, one thing unites us all: the desire to tell a story. F&F allows this to happen, which makes the world feel more connected, and therefore, closer to understanding one another through the power of storytelling.

Lila Tulip, Barry, Wales, UK: Avellina Balestri invited me to join this wonderful publication and Fellowship & Fairydust has been a revelation. The online magazine offers a wonderful range in spirituality, where I can share my faith in Christianity not only through writing, but by also reading the many submissions to the site. It also allows me to see others share their faith, whether Christian or non-Christian. I have found the Facebook group especially welcoming. The opportunity to read varied fanfiction, original pieces and non-fiction is fantastic fun. Come join us and delve into the many worlds offered through F&F!

Charles A. Coulombe, California, USA: We tend not to credit the Imagination with the importance it actually has. Two architectural students stare at a dilapidated public building: one sees a thing of beauty to be restored to its former glory, the other, the other a wreck to be cleared away with something new. It is essential for me as a Catholic to have a deep Sacramental life, a deep devotional life, and a knowledge of the Church’s social teachings. But to be effective in our everyday lives, these need to be threaded together and given life by baptising our imaginations. Fellowship & Fairydust goes a long way toward that essential goal.

Christopher Woods, Indiana, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust has a truly admirable mission. We draw together people from absolutely anywhere, and encourage them to write; write the ideas they’ve always entertained, create the world they’ve really lived in, experience the thrill and wonder of being a wordcrafter! We have only one criterion: that all of our publications show, either explicitly or implicitly, the divine spark hidden in the human soul.

Courteney Taylor, California, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust brings together people from around the world with different cultures and religions to bond through their shared love of writing and reading. I love being able to not only relax and enjoy the various stories and poetry but also get educated on different topics as well. I recommend anyone to take a few moments to browse through and read a few pieces. You won’t be disappointed.

Danny Oscar Rutilio, London, England, UK: It is good to search for new epiphanies of beauty, and I pray that Fellowship & Fairydust continues to seek to attain this mysterious goal. They will find a worthy patron in Tolkien, whose spiritual vision gives new heights to the word “Fellowship,” as a concrete means to restoring culture and civilisation from the clutches of tyranny to unbounding freedom! May the fairydust rain and may the fairies return beyond the inane monotony of motors, back to their dales and glades to awaken the eye to the truth of things!

David Jack, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: An enjoyable group to be involved in. I’m more a browser than a contributor myself, but the enthusiasm for sci-fi and fantasy shown by the various fan-fic authors is obvious and infectious, and as an avid reader of Tolkien and Lewis myself, I’m always happy to support a community that shares my passion.

Donna Ferguson Dudley, Tennessee, USA: I have found Fellowship & Fairydust to be a very high-quality, informative magazine, with everything from historical explorations, to religious articles, to movie reviews, to original, delightful stories, to poetry! I think it has something to offer any audience, and is well worth the time to explore.

Elizabeth Fust, Michigan, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a great collaboration of intelligent and passionate contributors. The works displayed in this journal exhibit craftsmanship and intent – and are exciting, worthwhile reads! I find this collection of writers is unafraid to incorporate spirituality into their writings. It is a refreshing find among many magazines today.

Elizabeth Roper, Gloucestershire, England, UK: Fellowship & Fairydust is a wonderfully comforting online resource, full of quality content which you know will engage you when the world outside seems too empty of purpose! The fiction taps into universal truths, or much loved fantasy narratives, and reminds us who we are: souls experiencing art and story and longing for community! Some of my favourites have been reflections on Saints and Christian festivals, but others have been fan-fics from favourite historic novels or contemporary TV. Thanks so much F&F!

Emily Geerling, Missouri, USA: I’ve been a Fellowship & Fairydust reader and occasional contributor for a few years now, and I can tell you that you will never find a more enthusiastic group of fantasy and sci-fi geeks! With writers of many different ages and backgrounds, who produce everything from poetry and fiction to movie/book reviews and informative articles on a wide variety of topics, I guarantee that anyone will find something that will be a joy for him to read. The best thing about F&F is that the authors are passionate about their writing and really pour themselves into it. I would recommend (and have recommended in the past) this magazine to anyone looking for something to read that has a little extra magic.

Emily Kopf, Arizona, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a wonderful magazine I have had the privilege to be involved with. I love the awesome fandoms that the magazine covers – there is always something new and interesting to read! And even better, the Christian perspectives on the stories add a layer of depth sometimes missing even in the originals. This is truly a one-of-a-kind magazine.

Esther Patten, Suffolk, England, UK: Beautifully crafted poems and tales that are both thought-provoking and insightful. The zeal with which they have been written clearly shows throughout every one of them. I would like to commend the brilliant authors who dedicate themselves so tirelessly in providing us with such lovely work. Keep up the good work, Folks!

Hannah Skipper, Florida, USA: I love Fellowship & Fairydust because it’s a great place to share my faith to the wider world through writing and reading, and also have great faith-based dialogue. Since joining the publication, I’ve met many wonderful people who I know I can count on for prayer and support whether life is going well or things are rough. I appreciate very much that it is a little light in a literary world that so often seems to thrive in the dark.

Wesley Hutchins, Georgia, USA: I do believe Fellowship & Fairydust serves as a place where the bar is raised high for quality, information, and entertainment which connects to people’s spirituality and thirst for knowledge and enlightenment. I hope that we can continue to grow and offer the best that we can give. With so much so much negativity in the world, it is heartening that we can create something that is positive and unites our contributors and readers on a higher level and not reach for the lowest common denominator. Our content, while maintaining integrity with our vision, is not dry or humorless; it contains fun and laughter, with style and class. If we at F&F can have a role in bringing this out in our society, then we will have succeeded.

Hannah Vincent, Michigan, USA: First thing’s first – I love writing for Fellowship & Fairydust! They’ve given me a chance to share my writing with the world when others have denied me. Secondly, the fact F&F is a faith-based magazine who accepts Catholic pieces is fantastic! They’re supportive of Christians who want to share the goodness of God in their writing. As authors, we are free to express our love of our faith and our love of all things literary. We can easily converse with fellow writers on the wonders of Narnia or the grandeur of Middle Earth. We appreciate the classics and wish to see an era of gentlemen and ladies revived. I am honored to be a part of this wonderful and expressive group who challenges me to become a better writer and deeper thinker.

Isabella Summitt, Washington, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a writing blog and seasonal magazine with a Christian slant. It has a wealth of fan-fiction, original works, essays and reviews to explore. To me F&F is an online page where I can read, especially fan-fiction, without fear of encountering anything inappropriate or perverse. It’s a place where I can be honest about my faith and my fandoms at the same time. I hope F&F gets bigger and that we can incorporate more fan-fiction with Catholic and Christian elements. People at my church are really shy about admitting they even like movies and TV shows in public. A site like this could make them feel more open about it.

James Michael Gill, Tennessee, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a magical world where adventures await. Artisans, storytellers, sages, and the occasional Elf battle real monster and celebrate victory in good cheer. It is a community of those who joyfully bathe in beauty and ache for the source of that beauty. Together we ride onto the battlefield, together we warm ourselves at the hearth, together we lift our drink, and raise our voice as sub-creators of this beauty until at last Beauty Himself dines at our table and we delight in the true Fellowship & Fairydust. This community and magazine has been both a banner of encouragement and a canvas of opportunity for me as I journey through these lands. I hope it will offer you the same respite and inspiration.

J.J. Francesco, Pennsylvania, USA: It’s rare to find publications that seek for honest and authentic content while still being unmistakably Christian-centric. Fellowship & Fairydust manages to achieve this difficult balance and gifts readers with a reading experience that is both engaging and rewarding, enthralling and spiritually refreshing. In an era where Christians have increasingly ceded the arts to secular parties, F&F strikes to reclaim ground as a prime source of thought-provoking artistic expression.

Joel W. Hawbaker, Alabama, USA: I love being a Fellowship & Fairydust contributor! Being asked to write an article about Tolkien and Lewis is what first got me back into writing after taking a number of years off. I’m grateful to read articles by people who also love to relearn ancient truths and share them in contemporary ways. F&F is a great place to come and be encouraged, entertained, and inspired!

John Heldon, New Jersey, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is an extraordinary blend of belief and imagination. Somewhere between them lies a creative power which is muse provoking. A good way for me to start a writing session is a site visit to find a few sparks from others to stoke my fire.

Joseph R. Ravitts, Colorado, USA: I have been a Christian rock singer, and am now a novelist and poet. In forty-five years as a believer in Jesus, I have striven to gain attention for Christian creativity outside the church walls, and striven to encourage fellow believers to display creativity deserving of attention. Fellowship & Fairydust is a venue in which both of those objectives can be pursued.

Joshua David Ling, Georgia, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is an amazing community of all different kinds of people who are inspired by the works of Tolkien, Lewis, and the likes of them. We have come together to create, not only a community, but a hub for all kinds of wonderful stories and writing. I’d like to see F&F quadruple, quintuple, with tons of people who love mythopoeia and various forms of artistic and fantastical literature. The world needs Fellowship & Fairydust because the world needs to remember that the only true magic comes from God. The world needs to remember, in the words of Samwise Gamgee, “There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for”.

Kai McWhirter, Birmingham, England, UK: Fellowship & Fairydust is a community that offers a warm welcome to readers and writers alike. It offers an eclectic mix of reviews, essays, original fiction and poetry, all of a very high standard and all offering an intriguing glimpse into the perspectives of its contributors. Whether you’re drawn to its religious perspective or simply share a love for high fantasy fiction, this Fellowship will put a nice cup of your preferred hot beverage in your hand and make you feel right at home.

Kara Swanson, California, USA: It was my great pleasure to contribute to the Fellowship & Fairydust publication. This eMagazine and blog has provided a colorful and clean look at so many unique aspects of speculative fiction from a Christian worldview. It does not shy away from deeper topics, but instead touches on all aspects of fiction, from fantasy to paranormal, with a grace and knowledge that flows through each page. Intriguing and encouraging, I highly recommend this publication to anyone looking for a bit more reading material on their favorite books–and maybe discovering a new favorite.

Kat Clements, Pennsylvania, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is the fruit born from creative cooperation across many disciplines. The staff is very dedicated and work hard to present this magazine’s diverse fair of poems, short stories, longer narrative works, film reviews, historical and modern commentary, scholarly articles, and more for your viewing pleasure. The community of contributors, readers, and staff is both respectful and supportive. If you’re interested in media, especially science fiction and fantasy, with a spiritual flavor, you may enjoy the fare of this online Fellowship.

Keturah Lamb, Montana, USA: I love the idea of Fellowship & Fairydust… combining our faith and fun into one safe and secure place. I have enjoyed getting to know people through the community of F&F, and look forward to continue doing so! I love learning and expanding my knowledge and ideas. The wide variety of people here has given me opportunity to build a better perspective of what I believe.

Kevin Derby, Florida, USA: In the current darkness, the real world is stumbling from one crisis to another but so are imaginary ones. In too many fictional realms, Mordor has conquered the Shire; Voldemort draws up the curriculum at Hogwarts; Palpatine’s Empire has destroyed the Jedi; and Camelot has fallen. We are no longer inspired to walk down the paths of the imagination since they simply lead to too many dystopias and too much despair. This makes both our real and imaginary worlds far less magical. But the creators and writers at Fellowship & Fairydust would rather light candles instead of reveling in the darkness. In an age where the custodians of our dreams provide next to nothing in the way of courage, hope and optimism, F&F cheerfully stands against the trend. Their published works entertain, enlighten, educate and (dare we say it?) inspire. Even when I disagree with a piece published there, I never find it disagreeable. It’s a great forum for building faith and the imagination which are increasingly rare, especially in young people. F&F is a candle offering guidance and warmth in dark times. Long may its light shine.

Lorna C. Smithers, Lancashire, England, UK: I am a poet and awenydd based in north-west England, and I discovered this magazine through a series of poems from here shared onto The Druid Network’s Facebook Page. Exploring it further from there, I have found it to be a beautiful and inspirational site of faith and imagination.

Mark Adderley, South Dakota, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is in the forefront of the Christian Literary Revival. The future of Christian Arts and Letters lies with these gifted authors. As the monks of the Dark Ages preserved classical culture in their monasteries, so the lay writers of the new Dark Ages will light the candle of culture in the new ideological dark ages that is growing around us.

Mary Martz, Pennsylvania, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a wonderful, on-line, Christian literary magazine. It has thought-provoking, inspiring articles, short stories, and poems. As a Catholic homeschool mom, I am appreciative that It holds true to Catholic values and provides a great avenue for young, Catholic authors. I was so touched when my daughter’s story was published. She then gave the story to me for Mother’s Day! What an honor! Thank you very much for this delightful magazine! I highly recommend it!

M.C. Pehrson, California, USA: I am so glad that I happened upon The Fellowship of the King, which later merged to become Fellowship & Fairydust. After submitting some Christian-themed work of my own, I was invited to act as a proofreader, and readily accepted since I had been attracted to that sort of work all my life. Proofing for such a wholesome, quality site has been both satisfying and educational. It has been heartening to find such a great group of young people associated with the project.

Mercia van der Vyver, Eastern Cape, South Africa: I love the articles in this magazine that make you think and debate and broaden perspectives. And I love the fantasy! As someone who once got called out by name from the pulpit for my staunch defense of Harry Potter, it is a balm to my soul to read treatise on C.S Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. I love the poems, and the sheer creativity behind them. This magazine seems to be able to bring together all aspects of my spirituality, including that part of me that sees God in nature, in a way that is both uplifting and thought-provoking and that is something I never thought I’d find. Thank you for a great magazine!

Michael Goth, Illinois, USA: I really like Fellowship & Fairydust. I think the writers and editors have created a wonderful sight that delves into the deeper spirituality in popular fiction. As a writer, an occurring theme through all my work is faith and spirituality. This is why I like this magazine so much.

Mike Carroll, Lincolnshire, England, UK: Fellowship & Fairydust, the blog and e-magazine, is a breath of fresh air in the sea of generally two-dimensional Christian and Catholic media available on the internet. Drawing strongly on the writing heritage of Tolkien, founded by American former home school Catholics and Christians, supported by even such notables as Peter Kreeft, it is a much welcomed addition to the Christian mainstream media. I am particularly struck by the high quality editing and material in the F&F magazine. This is certainly a wonderful example of evangelisation through beauty, as it is also appreciated by many of those beyond our own Church walls.

Nathan Stone, Missouri, USA: Going into Fellowship & Fairydust is similar to stepping into the Wardrobe. Fanfiction, original stories, reviews, poetry and art crowd the pages; Jane Austen can be seen rubbing shoulders with Luke Skywalker or Captain Kirk. Old friends are kept alive through pen and paint; Harry Potter and his friends, the inhabitants of Narnia, Middle earth and Arthurian England all still live and breathe. But more importantly than that: Fellowship & Fairydust is an oasis where the good and beautiful still reside. If beauty will save the world, then Fellowship & Fairydust, and the men and women who contribute to it, will have a part in turning the world around, while living the greatest adventure they can at the same time.

Oliver J. Olinger, Florida, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a well-built, intelligent site in which one can find some of the last remaining vestiges of Scholasticism in contemporary times. The spirit of the Catholic Intellectual Renaissance is alive and well on this website. I am honored to have been published on F&F.

Rachel Atterholt, Texas, USA: Geeks stand out in the world of Sameness, as do their stories and fanfiction creations, which are often scoffed at and given short shrift but have a life of their own. After all, stories are stories. And stories are beautiful. So welcome to a place that’s warm and cozy, full of friends and characters you love. Pull up a chair in the common room of the castle, sip some butterbeer, and enjoy our flights of fancy. Long may Geekness reign!

Rachel Schmidt, Michigan, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a wonderful community in which geekiness, creativity, spirituality, and philosophy meet in the most unexpected and delightful way. Being a contributor to the site and the online community has allowed me not only to share my own writing and interests, but to be challenged by new ways of thinking, inspired by new perspectives on a subject or character, and delighted by the wit, humor, and welcoming attitudes of all involved. Never have I experienced a single community in which fandom, spirituality, and politics can be discussed not only within the scope of a single conversation or post, but in such a manner that one feels at ease, enlightened, and perhaps a bit inspired upon finishing the conversation. I am humbled by the opportunity to participate in something as special as Fellowship & Fairydust and look forward to seeing it continue to grow and inspire.

Safi Kaskas, Virginia, USA: I love Fellowship & Fairydust and its unique perspective that brings hope, joy, and light to the world through its wonderful diversified articles and writers. It is full of quality content as a result of the collaboration of its passionate and intelligent contributors. I highly recommend this one of a kind magazine to all those who are looking for meaningful reading.

Stuart S. Laing, Fife, Scotland, UK: What I have found so refreshing about Fellowship & Fairydust as a Scottish Presbyterian is how well it encourages the spirit of Christian fellowship. I grew up in a Scotland where Protestant and Catholic still viewed each other with suspicion until recent times. Now the churches work together to reach out the hand of friendship and faith to those who have yet to come to Christ’s love. F&F is doing the same thing. It offers that hand to steer people in the right direction but without being ‘preachy’ or hectoring. For that reason alone, although there are many others, it is to be recommended.

Sunbow Pendragon, Washington, USA: I wanted to write a quick note to say how much I enjoy your publication! The stories are always enjoyable as well. I have read many of them, and it is wonderful to be exposed to new and upcoming authors. I also enjoyed the interview process with Avellina Balestri on the subject of my Arthurian fantasy series “The Black Knight of Avalon Chronicles”, and my readers found the printed article entertaining and insightful. In all, I would highly recommend both the site and the magazine to anyone interested in fine entertainment and intelligent writing. Love and Light!

Veronica Lynn, Texas, USA: Fellowship & Fairydust is a wonderful community of true artists, of which I am honored to be a part. Their commitment to excellence is unparalleled and the work they produce is beyond brilliant. Being a contributing author has inspired and energized me. Working amongst so many gifted authors has elevated my work, uplifted my spirit, and filled my life with joy and friendship. I am so grateful to have found a literary home with F&F.

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